Executive Committee
The Executive committee meets each month on the Monday (if this date is acceptable by a majority of the executive members) following the OBWA Dinner to review and plan the operation of the Association and to discuss how the dinner meeting went. This committee makes policies for the club and keeps things running smoothly. All items discussed, if changes are to be made, are voted on by the executive members and majority rules. There must be a quorum to approve or deny any items that will affect the membership. Motions affecting the members-at-large are brought forward at the dinner meetings and voted on by the members present. Ideas and suggestions are always welcome.
If there are open positions and you wish to be part of the Executive Committee, please send an email to networking@orilliabusinesswomen.com telling us which position you are applying for, a short bio and why you think you would be good at the position.
OBWA EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE – September 2024 – August 2025
PRESIDENT: Trisha Cuthbertson
Duties include:
- Attend 10 network meetings with members and executive committee
- Run monthly business dinner meetings
- Attend monthly executive meetings
- Prepare agendas for network and executive meetings
- use social media such as Facebook to share with the members and public
- Review and approve or deny posts from paid members who want to post on the fb group
- Be available to answer or discuss issues any members/executive members may put forth and share with the executive for discussion
- Answer emails and redirect emails to the appropriate executive member
- Work directly with each executive member while respecting their qualifications and abilities
- Help keep the OBWA current and relevant with the help of the executive members/members
- Take the lead and coordinate on any events with the assistance of the executive or members who volunteer
- Encourage ALL members to be respectful of each other
- Know all facts and be knowledgeable if a final decision is necessary
- Take the lead on the Gala Committee and attend Gala meetings
- Lead the Gala evening
- Gmail maintenance
VICE PRESIDENT: Currently available
Duties Include:
- Attend monthly executive meetings
- Attend 10 network meetings with members and executive committee
- Assist with miscellaneous tasks as requested by the president and/or executive committee
- Take direction with results and grace
- Assume duties of the president to the end of the term if the president is unable to complete her year in office
- Be part of the greeting committee at the door during dinner meetings and assist with introducing new women to other members
- Help the committee with the design and preparation of New Member packages
- Assist when needed or as requested by any executive member
- Check in once a week with all executive members to offer support
- Help in finding venues for executive meetings and contact each executive member with the information at least one week prior to the meeting
- Sit on the Gala Committee and attend Gala meetings
SECRETARY: Susan Zaroski
Independent Scentsy Representativesusanregalrep@hotmail.com
Website: https://susanzaroski.scentsy.ca
Facebook: Susan Zaroski - Scentsy Independent Consultant
Duties include:
- Attend 10 network meetings with members and executive committee
- Attend monthly executive meetings
- Takes minutes of the Executive Committee meetings and insures distribution of the minutes to the members of the Executive Committee
- Create and distribute monthly bulletin
- Takes minutes of the Annual General Meeting and provides copies of minutes of the previous AGM to the membership
- Provides banking authorization as third signor
- Keeps records of newsletters and Executive and Annual meeting minutes
- Responsible for the preparation of written bios for Gala and other miscellaneous print media
- Assists with miscellaneous tasks as requested by the President or the Executive Committee
- Sit on the Gala Committee and attend Gala meetings
Biofield Tuning Ontario
Metaphysical shop, Holistic Practitioner, Biofield Tuning, Sound Therapy, Reiki Master/Teacher
Work Address: 1-33 Mississagga St. E, Orillia Ontario L3V 1V4
Work Phone: 705 325-0461
Cell Phone: 705 955-7457
Work Email: dalemckay@rogers.com
Duties Include:
- Attend monthly Executive Committee Meetings
- Attend monthly membership dinners
- Maintain a current list of all memberships and when monies are due
- Respond to any membership inquiries in person or online
- Send welcome letter to new members and renewal reminders to established members
- Rotating with other Executive Committee Members at the registration table each meeting to greet guests and sell memberships and or 50/50 tickets
- Assist with miscellaneous tasks as requested by the President or other Executive Members
- Sit on the Gala Committee and attend Gala meetings
Business Telephone # – (705) 801-6906
Business Email Address – paula@paulashealingjourney.com
Business Website – https://www.paulashealingjourney.com/
Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/paulashealingjourney
LinkedIn – http://www.linkedin.com/in/paula-martyn
Instagram – @pkmartyn
Duties Include:
- Attend 10 network meetings with members and executive committee
- Attend monthly executive meetings
- Finding valuable speakers for each monthly meeting
- Look for a variety of topics so as to not repeat them
- Instruct the speaker that this is not about promoting themselves, it is about teaching the audience
- Sit on the Gala Committee and attend Gala meetings
CTM/CTC/ACC/Owner & Luxury Travel Designer at EPIC Luxury Vacations
Orillia’s Favourite Travel Agent & Travel Agency
T. 705-327-5135
E. corry@epicluxuryvacations.com
W. www.epicluxuryvacations.com
Duties include:
- Attend 10 network meetings with members and executive committee
- Attend monthly executive meetings
- Manage Website – news, updates, changes, creation of events, member profiles
- Manage Facebook Business Page and Group Page – posting updates and news
- Create dinner meeting events on facebook
- Create Featured Business Poster for Social Media and add to website
- Create and manage ppt slides of paid members which will be played during business dinner meetings
- Create any visuals needed for Facebook Business Pages and Website
- Take photos at meetings/events to use for promoting the Association either on the website or on Facebook
- Sit on the Gala Committee and attend Gala meetings
- Design and share graphics for Gala
- Connect with media during Gala and when needed
- Check emails
- Keep ppt up to date and show at monthly dinner meetings
EVENT COORDINATOR: Currently available
Duties Include:
- Attend Monthly Executive Committee meetings
- Attend monthly membership dinners
- Respond to each RSVP email noting any dietary restrictions or requests
- Coordinate with the Conference Centre the Friday prior to the scheduled dinner meeting the number of meals and special meals required along with any special requests for the presentation (ie. ppt) during the networking dinner
- Rotating with other Executive Committee Members at the registration table each meeting to greet guests and sell memberships and or 50/50 tickets
- Assist with miscellaneous tasks as requested by the President or other Executive Members
- Sit on the Gala Committee and attend Gala meetings
TREASURER: Lynn Peterson
Email: Lynn@lynnmpeterson.ca
Website: www.LynnMPeterson.ca
Business Tel# – (705) 321-4643Duties include:
- Attend 10 network meetings with members and executive committee
- Attend monthly executive meetings
- Ensure that sufficient funds are available to meet ongoing operational requirements
- Maintain banking relationships
- Monitor the activities of third parties (PAYPAL, SHOP ORILLIA) handling outsourced treasury funds on behalf of the organization
- Advise management on the liquidity aspects of its short and long range planning
- Maintain a system of policy and procedures that impose an adequate level of control over treasury activities
- Liaise with designated staff about financial matters
- Ensure proper records are kept
- Complete day to day banking including deposits and paying of invoices
- Maintain QuickBooks
- Sit on the Gala Committee and attend Gala meetings
PAST PRESIDENT: Sharon Van Noort
Pets at Peace North - Pet Loss and Memorial Service
Email: sharonvannoort1956@gmail.com
Website: www.petsatpeace.ca
Duties Include:
- Attend 10 network meetings with members and executive committee
- Attend monthly executive meetings
- Assist all Executive Members with additional Administrative duties
- Sit on Gala Committee and attend Gala meetings
- Answer and help President maintain emails
- Assist President with gmail maintenance
- Assist President when asked
Business Address: 8221 Rama Rd., Washago, ON L0K 2B0
Business Telephone: (705) 345-5167
Business Email: cara@anamcaraosteo.ca
Website: http://www.anamcaraosteo.ca
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100082992474294
Duties Include:
- Attend 10 network meetings with members and executive committee
- Attend monthly executive meetings
- Assist all Executive Members with additional Administrative duties
- Sit on Gala Committee and attend Gala meetings
- Answer to and assist President as requested
- Pick up OBWA mail at the Post Office